Owning and operating a brewery is like a chess match or a cat-and-mouse game. You try to anticipate what consumers will likely drink now and into the short-term future, but sometimes it’s more of a reaction to a shift in beer trends. Whether you are a booming brewery so busy you can’t carve out time to research these trends or a small, fledgling brewery spread so thin you can’t squeeze in any additional tasks, we have a tool that can help without adding another person to the staff. Learning about recent trends is essential to setting your brew schedule and deciding which beers to put on tap or package. Untappd Insights makes life easier for any brewery of any size, providing the integral data needed in mere clicks. The tool shares precise consumers’ drinking patterns that can benefit your taproom and your brewery’s distribution channels. Untappd Insights, a part of the Next Glass family of brands that includes Ollie, Untappd for Business, Hop Culture, and BeerAdvocate, compiles countless distribution, trend, and sales data and can be set as narrow as a singular town or as broad as the whole world.
The post The Most Popular Beers in Washington in the Last 90 Days appeared first on Ollie.